
  • 过滤性能

    filtering performance
  • 拐点

    turning point
  • 非疫情防控重点地区

    non-key regions; regions that are not critical in the epidemic prevention and control effort
  • 低、中、高风险地区

    low-, medium-, high-risk regions
  • 哀悼抗击肺炎疫情牺牲烈士和逝世同胞

    to mourn martyrs who died in the fight against COVID-19 and compatriots who died of the disease
  • 助农

    to support farmers and agriculture
  • 在线直播

    live streaming
  • 云选会

    cloud job fair
  • 云办公软件

    cloud-based office tools
  • 远程办公

  • 援企、稳岗、扩就业

    to assist businesses, stabilize employment, and create more jobs
  • 员工健康监测和报告

    employee health monitoring and reporting
  • 预约进站

    to make reservations at subway stations
  • 有序复工

    to resume production in an orderly manner
  • 优先吸纳贫困劳动力务工就业

    to prioritize the employment of poor migrant workers
  • 优先通行、免费通行

    priority and toll-free access
  • 优惠帮扶举措

    preferential support measures
  • 因地因企因人分类帮扶

    to provide assistance specifically designed to suit different regions, enterprises and people
  • 一米线

    one meter spacing in line (to wait in line at an interval of 1 meter)
  • 一客一用一消毒

    disinfection after each serving
  • 线上登记失业和申领失业保险金

    online registration of unemployment and application for unemployment security insurance
  • 务工人员安全返岗

    Migrant workers return to their posts in security.
  • 武汉市以外地区解除离鄂通道管控

    Areas in Hubei, with the exception of Wuhan City, lifted outbound transport restrictions.
  • 武汉“解封”

    to lift the lockdown in Wuhan
  • 无接触电梯按钮

    virtual elevator buttons
  • 网上签约

    to sign an employment contract online
  • 网上面试

    online interview
  • 网上就业服务

    online recruitment services
  • 外卖服务

    takeout services
  • 拓宽就地就近就业渠道

    to create more jobs locally
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