
  • ​坚持以人民为中心

    to take a people-centered approach
  • 社会保障兜底

    To improve social security for poverty alleviation
  • 易地搬迁扶贫

    Relocation of rural poor for poverty elimination
  • 整合涉农资金

    To integrate government funds for rural development
  • 两线合一

    To unify the standard of rural poverty alleviation allowance and the standard of rural subsistence allowance
  • 稳定脱贫长效机制

    Long-term mechanism for stable poverty elimination
  • 基本公共服务

    Basic public services
  • 驻村帮扶

    Resident work teams in poor villages
  • 摘帽不摘政策

    Poverty relief policies continue after counties which have been removed from the poverty list. 
  • 贫困县全部摘帽

    To lift all poor counties out of poverty
  • 综合施策

    Holistic approaches to poverty alleviation
  • 因户施策

    Targeted measures for each household
  • 因地制宜

    To adopt measures in accordance with local conditions
  • “七个强化”

    Seven aspects of reinforcing poverty alleviation work
  • “六个精准”

    Six elements of targeted poverty alleviation 
  • “五个一批”

    Five measures for poverty alleviation
  • “回头看”

    Follow-up checks
  • 建档立卡

    Poverty registration
  • “四个问题”

    Four key issues in poverty alleviation 
  • 精准扶贫

    Targeted poverty alleviation
  • 问题导向

    Problem-oriented approach
  • 补短板

    To improve areas of weakness
  • 整村推进

    Village-based poverty alleviation
  • 贫困村

    Poor villages
  • 贫困户

    Poor households
  • 贫困县

    Poor counties
  • “直过民族”

    “Ethnic groups with cross-stage development”
  • “三区三州”

    The most impoverished three regions and three prefectures [The “three regions”: Tibet; the Tibetan ethnic areas in Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai provinces; the four prefectures of southern Xinjiang (Hotan, Aksu, Kashi and the Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture). The “three prefectures”: Liangshan in Sichuan, Nujiang in Yunnan and Linxia in Gansu.]
  • 深度贫困地区

    Severely impoverished areas
  • 贫困地区

    Impoverished areas
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