
  • 候餐区

    waiting area
  • 共享员工

    employee sharing
  • 公筷公勺

    serving chopsticks and spoons
  • 个人行程证明

    proof of travel; travel records
  • 高校学生毕业、招聘、考录

    graduation and job placement of college students
  • 高度重视公共利益

    serious concern for the public good
  • 复工人员专列

    special train for returning workers
  • 封城

    A city in/under lockdown.
    或A city goes into lockdown.
  • 分餐制

    serving of individual dishes
  • 放开货运物流限制

    to lift cargo transport bans
  • 返岗证明

    health certificate for returning to work
  • 多渠道灵活就业

    flexible employment through multiple channels
  • “点对点、一站式”直达运输服务

    point-to-point transport services
  • 打通人流、物流堵点

    to smooth travel and logistics channels
  • 错峰上下班

    staggered rush hour plan
  • 春节返乡高峰

    Spring Festival travel rush
  • 春耕备耕

    spring farming and preparation
  • 出行轨迹

    travel records
  • 做好重点地区疫情防控

    strengthen epidemic prevention and control in key regions
  • 做好工伤认定和待遇保障

    (to streamline/implement procedures) to identify and facilitate compensation for work-related infections
  • 做好返程人员疫情防控

    to take measures to help returnees from infected regions in order to prevent any possible spread of the coronavirus
  • 自我隔离

    to self-quarantine
  • 自觉接受医学观察

    to present yourself to medical observation
  • 注意下水道的通畅

    to ensure that sewers are not clogged
  • 重点防控部位人员的物资保障

    to make sure that essential supplies can be rapidly directed to personnel in key posts
  • 掌握情况,不漏一人

    to have full knowledge of the situation (of the community) and leave no one unchecked
  • 增强收治能力

    to raise the hospital admission capacity
  • 早发现、早报告、早诊断、早隔离、早治疗

    early detection, reporting, diagnosis, isolation and treatment
  • 暂停海外团队旅行

    to suspend overseas group tours
  • 暂时停止外国人持目前有效来华签证和居留许可证入境

    to temporarily suspend the entry into China of foreign nationals holding valid visas or residence permits
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