
  • 推广分时段就餐

    to allow consumers to dine at staggered times
  • 统筹推进疫情防控和脱贫攻坚

    to coordinate epidemic control with poverty alleviation
  • 停止接待群体性聚餐

    Group meals are not allowed.
  • 提升网上传播能力

    to strengthen online communication
  • 数字化健康证明

    digital health certificate
  • 适应公众获取信息渠道的变化

    to meet people's evolving ways of acquiring information
  • 生活必需品

    necessities of life; daily necessities
  • 社区批发计划

    community wholesale program
  • 社保延缴

    (to allow) deferred social security contributions
  • 取餐区

    serving area
  • 农副产品生产、流通、供应

    production, distribution, and supply of agricultural products
  • 绿色通道

    green channel; fast transport channel
  • 绿码

    green (health) code
  • 灵活复工

    to apply a flexible approach to the resumption of work
  • 两年户口和档案托管

    Universities will keep residential files and personal records of new graduates for two years until they find work.
  • 口罩预约

    mask reservation and purchase
  • 居家办公

    to work from home
  • 就业优先政策

    pro-employment policies
  • 精准对接劳务输出地和输入地

    to accurately connect both ends of labor transfer
  • 禁止面对面就餐

    Diners are not allowed to sit face to face.
  • 紧平衡

    in tight balance
  • 解决好生活必需品供应的“最后一公里”问题

    to ensure the "last kilometer" delivery of daily necessities
  • 结账区

    cashier desk
  • 健康申报

    declaration of health status
  • 健康码

    health code
  • 建立健全防止返贫机制

    to establish a sound mechanism to prevent any return to poverty/prevent any relapse into poverty
  • 简化通关手续

    to simplify procedures for customs clearance
  • 减负、稳岗、扩就业并举

    to take multi-pronged measures, including reducing corporate burdens, keeping the payroll stable, and creating more jobs
  • 激发正能量

    to evoke positivity
  • 恢复生产生活秩序

    to resume work and normal life
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