contact tracing健康申报表
health declaration form健康筛查
health screening减少外出
to make fewer trips outside集中患者、集中专家、集中资源、集中救治
to treat the infected in dedicated facilities by medical specialists from all over the country and with all necessary resources机场处置专区
processing area for inbound passengers at the airport缓解用工荒
to address labor shortage广泛普及疫情防控知识
to disseminate information on epidemic prevention and control关闭景点
to close scenic spots防止信息恐慌
to prevent "infodemic"防止大规模社区传播
to prevent the wide spread of the coronavirus in communities防控资源和力量下沉
to channel both material and human resources down to the community level防控力量向社区下沉
to empower communities to prevent and control the spread of the coronavirus发挥医疗救助资金的兜底保障作用
to make full use of the medical assistance fund to ensure that medical bills (of COVID-19 patients) are paid promptly遏制疫情蔓延
to contain the outbreak对口支援
pairing assistance (a national strategy in China for one province or a major city to provide assistance to a designated region in need of help)对抗疫医务人员保护、关心、爱护
to provide full protection and care to medical workers fighting the epidemic杜绝瞒报漏报
to say NO to concealing or underreporting infections第一入境点
first point of entry戴口罩
to wear a mask打破传播链
to break the chains of transmission出入境防疫
epidemic prevention at borders驰援武汉
to race against the clock to assist Wuhan差异化精准防控策略
precise and differentiated epidemic control strategies不麻痹、不厌战、不松劲
to remain vigilant and never slacken our efforts不漏一户、不漏一人
to leave no one unscreened避免去人多的地方
to avoid crowds保障医疗防护物资供应
ensure the supply of medical protective equipment保持社交距离
to enforce/practice social distancing把握好防疫管控的度
Moderation is required in epidemic prevention and control.热点语汇
Trending Words各尽所能的气候治理新体系
a new architecture of climate governance where every party does its part把创新作为引领发展的第一动力
to take innovation as the main driving force for development积极参与病毒溯源和传播途径全球科学研究
to actively participate in global research on tracing the source and transmission routes of the virus服务贸易
trade in services