area for temporary quarantine预防措施
preventive measures应治尽治
All confirmed patients should be treated.应收尽收
All suspected and confirmed patients should be admitted to the hospital.延长春节假期
to extend the Chinese New Year holiday延迟开学
to postpone the reopening of schools消费扶贫
poverty alleviation by consuming products and services from poor areas消毒
People stranded in Hubei return home in a safe and orderly manner.统一的应急物资保障体系
unified emergency supply system统筹安排轮休
to better schedule rotating shifts停运长途汽车
to halt long-distance buses调减市内公交
to reduce the frequency of bus services in the city提高收治率和治愈率、降低感染率和病亡率
to improve the admission and cure rates and reduce the infection and fatality rates提高救治水平
to improve the quality of medical treatment室内空气流通
indoor ventilation实行封闭式管控
to exercise management by sealing off entities社区疫情防控
community-based epidemic prevention and control入境人员闭环管理
to ensure a seamless and hermetic process for managing the quarantine and monitoring of travelers arriving in China入境口岸
port of entry入境航班将分流至指定机场
to redirect inbound flights to designated airports入户检测
door-to-door testing群防群控
to strengthen society-wide efforts to contain the epidemic取消大型集会
to cancel mass gatherings勤洗手/仔细洗手
to wash your hands often/carefully旅行限制
travel restrictions两周观察期
two-week observation period控制人口流动
to curb population flow禁止密集聚会
ban mass gatherings解除医学观察
to be discharged from medical observation热点语汇
Trending Words各尽所能的气候治理新体系
a new architecture of climate governance where every party does its part把创新作为引领发展的第一动力
to take innovation as the main driving force for development积极参与病毒溯源和传播途径全球科学研究
to actively participate in global research on tracing the source and transmission routes of the virus服务贸易
trade in services