
  • “中央八项规定”

    Eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct / The Eight Rules
  • ​中国人的事要由中国人来决定

    The affairs of us Chinese must be decided by ourselves.
  • ​中国人不打中国人

    We Chinese should not fight each other.
  • 新时期好干部标准

    Standards for good officials in the new era
  • ​台湾问题必将随着民族复兴而终结

    The Taiwan question will definitely end with national rejuvenation.
  • “两学一做”学习教育

    “Two Studies and One Action” Education Campaign
  • ​全面提升澳门社会综合生活素质

    to improve the overall living conditions in Macao
  • ​提升特别行政区治理水平

    to improve the governance in the Special Administrative Region of …
  • “三严三实”专题教育

    Special Education Program of “Three Stricts and Three Earnests” / The Education Program of Three Guidelines for Ethical Behaviour and Three Basic Rules of Conduct
  • ​用不着任何外部势力指手画脚

    no finger-pointing from any external forces
  • ​"一国两制"事业任重道远

    The cause of "one country, two systems" still has a long way to go.
  • 党的群众路线教育实践活动

    The Campaign to Educate Party Members About the Mass Line
  • “四个意识”

    The “Four Consciousnesses” (to maintain political integrity, think in terms of the big picture, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership)
  • 固本培元、稳健发展

    to consolidate the basis, foster vitality, and achieve steady development
  • “两个维护”

    “Two Upholds” (To uphold Xi Jinping’s core position in the CPC Central Committee and the Party, and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and centralized, unified leadership)
  • ​始终强化"一国两制"使命担当

    to resolutely shoulder the mission of "one country, two systems"
  • 党的政治纪律和政治规矩

    Strict political discipline and political rules of the Party
  • ​准确把握"一国两制"正确方向

    to firmly keep "one country, two systems" in the correct direction
  • 党的制度建设

    The Party’s institutional development
  • ​坚定"一国两制"制度自信

    to have firm confidence in "one country, two systems"
  • 党的纪律建设

    To strengthen Party discipline
  • ​筑牢"一国两制"社会政治基础

    to consolidate the social and political foundation for "one country, two systems"
  • 党的作风建设

    To promote ethical standards within the Party
  • 政府决策科学化、社会治理精准化、公共服务高效化

    sound decision-making, meticulous social governance, and efficient public services
  • 党的组织建设

    To improve the Party’s organizational structures
  • ​澳门特别行政区维护国家安全委员会

    the State Security Safeguarding Committee of the Macao Special Administrative Region
  • 党的思想建设

    The ideological work of the CPC / Strengthening of the ideological base of the CPC
  • ​维护中央全面管治权、正确行使高度自治权

    to ensure the central authorities exercise overall jurisdiction while correctly exercising a high degree of autonomy  (in Macao)
  • 党的政治建设

    To reinforce our Party’s political foundations
  • ​融入国家发展大局积极主动

    to integrate more proactively into the country's overall development
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