
  • ​基层干部轻装上阵

    to streamline the work of officials at the grassroots level
  • 基层减负年

    the year to reduce burdens on community-level officials
  • 集中力量办大事、办难事、办急事

    to bring together the resources needed to accomplish great, difficult and urgent tasks
  • ​既抓思想引导又抓行为规范

    to focus on both ideological guidance and improving conduct
  • ​坚持底线思维,保持战略定力

    to envisage worst-case scenarios and maintain strategic resolve
  • ​坚持中国共产党的领导

    to uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China
  • ​建设社会主义法治国家

    to build a country of socialist rule of law
  • ​决胜全面小康取得的决定性成就

    China's decisive achievements in completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects
  • ​科学理论是我们推动工作、解决问题的“金钥匙”

    The scientific theory is the "golden key" to conducting our activities and solving problems.
  • ​劳动法律法规体系

    the system of labor laws and regulations
  • ​劳动模范

    model workers
  • ​劳动者合法权益

    the legitimate rights and interests of workers
  • ​理论创新每前进一步,理论武装就要跟进一步。

    Every step forward in theoretical innovation must be followed in practice.
  • ​历经沧桑而初心不改、饱经风霜而本色依旧。

    What must be treasured most is maintaining one's original aspirations and utilizing one's good qualities in the face of any hardships encountered.
  • ​马克思主义中国化最新成果

    the latest achievement in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context
  • 目标导向、问题导向、结果导向

    to focus on achieving goals, solving problems and securing good results
  • ​脑子要特别清醒、眼睛要特别明亮、立场要特别坚定

    to be particularly prudent, astute and maintain a firm stance
  • ​强化理想信念和使命担当

    to strengthen their beliefs and mission
  • ​全面建成小康社会不是终点,而是新生活、新奋斗的起点

    To finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects is not the end, but the starting point of a new life and new goals.
  • ​全面建设社会主义现代化强国

    to make China a great modern socialist country in every dimension
  • ​确立全面建设社会主义现代化国家在“四个全面”战略布局中的引领地位

    to define building a modern socialist country in all respects as a key element of the Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy
  • ​人民有信心,国家才有未来,国家才有力量。

    Only when the people have confidence can the country have a future and strength.
  • ​深入基层、深入一线

    to go right to the grassroots and the front line
  • ​实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦

    the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation
  • ​守初心、担使命,找差距、抓落实

    to keep to the original aspiration, fulfill the mission, find weaknesses and take firm action
  • ​守望相助的中华民族大家庭

    a big Chinese family where all care for and help each other
  • ​(提高)知信行合一能力

    to better honor commitments, remain steadfast in belief, and take practical actions
  • ​贴近基层实际、反映群众心声

    to be close to the situation at the grassroots and reflect the aspirations of the people
  • ​同党中央要求“对标”,拿党章党规“扫描”,用人民群众新期待“透视”

    to see if one has properly followed the requirements of the CPC Central Committee, observed the Party Constitution and rules, and met the new expectations of the people
  • ​完善和发展党内制度,形成长效机制

    to improve and develop intraparty institutions and put in place long-term mechanisms
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