
  • ​提升特别行政区治理水平

    to improve the governance in the Special Administrative Region of …
  • ​用不着任何外部势力指手画脚

    no finger-pointing from any external forces
  • ​"一国两制"事业任重道远

    The cause of "one country, two systems" still has a long way to go.
  • 固本培元、稳健发展

    to consolidate the basis, foster vitality, and achieve steady development
  • ​始终强化"一国两制"使命担当

    to resolutely shoulder the mission of "one country, two systems"
  • ​准确把握"一国两制"正确方向

    to firmly keep "one country, two systems" in the correct direction
  • ​筑牢"一国两制"社会政治基础

    to consolidate the social and political foundation for "one country, two systems"
  • ​澳门特别行政区维护国家安全委员会

    the State Security Safeguarding Committee of the Macao Special Administrative Region
  • ​维护中央全面管治权、正确行使高度自治权

    to ensure the central authorities exercise overall jurisdiction while correctly exercising a high degree of autonomy  (in Macao)
  • ​融入国家发展大局积极主动

    to integrate more proactively into the country's overall development
  • ​行政主导体制顺畅运行

    smooth operation of the (Macao SAR) executive-led political system
  • ​宪法和基本法权威牢固树立

    The authority of the Constitution and the Basic Law is firmly upheld in Macao.
  • ​"一国两制"、"港人治港"、"澳人治澳"、高度自治

    the policies of "one country, two systems," "the people of Hong Kong governing Hong Kong," "the people of Macao governing Macao," and a high degree of autonomy for both regions
  • ​"黑天鹅""灰犀牛"

    "black swans" and "gray rhinos"
  • 加强领导班子建设和干部队伍建设

    to strengthen leadership teams and the contingent of officials
  • ​加强真抓实干的作风建设

    to improve conduct to make solid and tangible efforts
  • 政务服务"好差评"制度

    to establish a government service evaluation system
  • ​以党的政治建设为统领

    to enhance our Party's political awareness as the overarching principle to enhance our Party's political foundation building as the overarching principle to reinforce our Party's political foundations as the overarching principle
  • ​打造改革开放新高地

    to become pacesetters for reform and opening up
  • ​决不允许搞选择性执法、任性执法

    Selective and arbitrary law enforcement is unacceptable.
  • 决不能"新官不理旧账"

    New officials must continue to meet the commitment undertaken by their predecessors.
  • 友谊勋章

    The Friendship Medal
  • 共和国勋章

    The Medal of the Republic
  • ​站起来、富起来到强起来

    China has stood up, become prosperous and is growing strong.China has stood up, grown prosperous and is becoming strong.
  • ​不获全胜、决不收兵

    Never call retreat until a complete victory.
  • 国之重器

    national major projects
  • ​共和国是红色的

    The People's Republic has a revolutionary tradition.
  • ​新时代的长征路

    Long March of the new era
  • ​小事不出村,大事不出镇,矛盾不上交

    to settle minor problems in the villages, major ones in the towns, and not submitting them to higher-level authorities 
  • ​以党章为根本遵循

    to regard the Party Constitution as the fundamental guideline
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