
  • ​做好珠澳合作开发横琴这篇文章

    to promote cooperation of Zhuhai and Macao in joint development of the Hengqin region
  • 区域协调发展战略

    Strategy for coordinated regional development
  • 新型城镇化道路

    A new path to urbanization
  • ​《内地与澳门关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》

    Mainland and Macao Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement
  • ​《深化粤港澳合作 推进大湾区建设框架协议》

    Framework Agreement on Deepening Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Cooperation in the Development of the Greater Bay Area
  • 农村承包地“三权”分置改革

    Rural land contract reform: separation of ownership rights, contract rights and land management rights
  • “三农”问题

    Issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and the wellbeing of farmers
  • ​补齐农村基础设施短板

    to improve rural infrastructure
  • 乡村振兴战略

    Strategy for rural revitalization
  • 大众创业、万众创新

    Widespread entrepreneurship and innovation
  • “互联网+”行动计划

    Internet Plus Plan of Action
  • ​推动东北全方位振兴

    to promote all-round revitalization of Northeast China
  • 区域合作机制

    regional cooperation mechanism
  • 网络强国战略

    Strategy for building China into a cyberpower
  • ​市场一体化发展机制

    mechanism of integrated market development
  • ​主体功能约束有效、国土开发有序

    effective constraints on the main functions and orderly land development
  • 创新型国家

    To make China a country of innovators
  • ​分类精准施策

    to implement sector-specific and targeted policies
  • 创新驱动发展战略

    The innovation-driven development strategy
  • ​促进中部地区崛起

    to energize the central region
  • 发挥经济体制改革的牵引作用

    Economic structural reform – an engine of progress
  • ​振兴东北地区等老工业基地

    to revitalize the old industrial bases in the Northeast and other parts of China
  • 包容性增长

    Inclusive growth
  • ​西部大开发

    to develop West Chinadevelopment of the western region
  • ​自由贸易协定

    free trade agreement
  • 国家大数据战略

    The National Big Data Strategy
  • 中国制造2025

    Made in China 2025
  • ​海南自由贸易港

    Hainan Free Trade Port
  • “破、立、降”

    To cut ineffective supply, foster new growth drivers, and reduce costs
  • ​扩大对外开放

    to open wider to the outside world
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