Consultations should be based on mutual respect, equality, and mutual benefit."一带一路"专项贷款
the Belt and Road multi-currency special lending全球互联互通伙伴关系
a global partnership on connectivity加强政策对接,打造更紧密伙伴关系
to strengthen policy coordination and build closer partnerships推进互联互通,挖掘增长新动力
to boost connectivity to explore new sources of growth加大对最不发达国家支持力度
to increase support to least developed countries中国市场这么大,欢迎大家都来看看
The Chinese market is such a big one that you should all come and see what it can offer.中国开放的大门只会越开越大
China will only become more and more open.人类命运共同体
a global community of shared futurea global community with a shared futurea community of shared future for humanitya community of shared future for mankind新型国际关系
a new form of international relationsa new model of international relations共商共建共享的全球治理观
an approach to global governance based on extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits全球治理体系改革和建设
to reform and develop the global governance system负责任大国
a responsible major country各国应该联手加大宏观政策对冲力度
Countries need to leverage and coordinate their macro policies to counteract the negative impact.(向其他国家)提供抗疫物资
to offer supplies in support of the fight against the pandemic避免使某个国家或特定群体蒙受污名
to avoid stigmatizing a country or particular group采取最全面、最严格、最彻底的防控举措
to take the most comprehensive, rigorous and thorough measures打好新冠肺炎疫情防控全球阻击战
to fight an all-out global war against COVID-19打造人类卫生健康共同体
to build a global community of health对中国人民生命安全和身体健康负责,也是在为世界公共卫生事业作贡献
to act responsibly in protecting the safety and health of its people, and contribute to safeguarding global public health分享病毒基因序列
to share the genetic sequence of the virus呼吁采取紧急的、积极的行动
to call for urgent and aggressive action及时同国际社会分享信息
timely sharing of information with the international community加强国家间政策协调
to enhance policy coordination between countries减免关税、取消壁垒、畅通贸易
to cut tariffs, remove barriers, and facilitate the flow of trade尽力阻止疫情跨境传播
to prevent the epidemic from spreading across borders; to minimize cross-border spread开展国际联防联控
to make a collective response for control and treatment at the international level凝聚起战胜疫情的强大合力
to form strong synergies to beat the pandemic区域公共卫生应急联络机制
regional emergency liaison mechanisms全球公共卫生安全
global public health security热点语汇
Trending Words各尽所能的气候治理新体系
a new architecture of climate governance where every party does its part把创新作为引领发展的第一动力
to take innovation as the main driving force for development积极参与病毒溯源和传播途径全球科学研究
to actively participate in global research on tracing the source and transmission routes of the virus服务贸易
trade in services