
  • ​我们要为人民福祉着想,秉持人类命运共同体理念,用实际行动为建设美好世界作出应有贡献。

    We must keep people's welfare close to heart and pursue the vision of a global community with a shared future. Through concrete actions, we will contribute our share to making the world a better place for everyone.
  • ​我们要在协商一致基础上推进务实合作,妥善处理矛盾和分歧,维护亚太合作正确方向,让亚太经合组织行稳致远。

    It is important that we in APEC advance practical cooperation on the basis of consensus, properly manage differences and disagreements, and keep Asia-Pacific cooperation on a solid footing to ensure sound development in the long run.
  • ​我们愿同欧方、法方以明年分别举办生物多样性、气候变化、自然保护国际会议为契机,深化相关合作。

    Next year, China, Europe, and France will host three international conferences on biodiversity, climate change and nature conservation. We could take such opportunities to expand cooperation in these fields.
  • ​我们愿同所有国家在相互尊重、平等互利基础上和平共处、共同发展,以对话弥合分歧,以谈判化解争端,为世界和平与发展作出共同努力。

    On the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, China stands ready to pursue peaceful coexistence and common development with all countries. We can bridge differences through dialogue, resolve disputes through negotiation, and work together to achieve world peace and development.
  • ​无意跟任何国家打冷战热战

    no intention to fight either a cold war or a hot war with any country
  • ​相互尊重各国自主选择的发展道路和模式

    to respect a country's independent choice of development path and model
  • ​以对话代替冲突,以协商代替胁迫,以共赢代替零和

    to replace conflict with dialogue, coercion with consultation and zero-sum with win-win
  • ​以人为中心、基于事实的政策导向

    people-centered and fact-based policies
  • ​永远不称霸,不扩张,不谋求势力范围

    never to seek hegemony, expansion, or spheres of influence
  • ​中方愿同各方携手高质量共建“一带一路”,为亚太互联互通建设搭建更广阔平台,为亚太和世界经济注入更强劲动力。

    On China's part, we hope to work with all partners in high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, which we believe will set up a bigger platform for connectivity in the Asia-Pacific and inject greater impetus into the economy of our region and the wider world.
  • ​中国的发展离不开世界,世界的繁荣也需要中国。

    China cannot achieve development while being isolated from the world, and the world also needs China for prosperity.
  • ​中国-东盟多式联运联盟

    China-ASEAN Multimodal Transport Alliance
  • ​中国-东盟公共卫生应急联络机制

    Liaison Mechanism for Public Health Emergencies with ASEAN
  • ​中国-东盟健康丝绸之路人才培养项目(2020-2022)

    China-ASEAN Human Resources Training Program of Health Silk Road (2020-2022)
  • ​中国-东盟信息港

    China-ASEAN Information Harbor
  • ​中国和东盟山水相连、血脉相亲,友好关系源远流长。

    China and ASEAN countries, connected by the same mountains and rivers, share close affinity and a longstanding friendship.
  • ​中国将继续做世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者。

    China will continue to work as a builder of global peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of international order.
  • ​中国始终秉持构建人类命运共同体理念,既对本国人民生命安全和身体健康负责,也对全球公共卫生事业尽责。

    China stands for the vision of building a global community of shared future. China takes on the responsibility to ensure not only the life and health of its own citizens, but also global public health.
  • ​病毒没有国界,疫病不分种族。

    The virus does not respect borders, race or nationality.
  • ​二十国集团抗疫援助倡议

    G20 Covid-19 Assistance Initiative
  • ​毫无保留同各方分享防控和救治经验

    to share control and treatment experience without reservation
  • 构建人类命运共同体

    to build a global community of shared future
  • ​治理赤字

    deficit of governance
  • ​保护主义

  • 单边主义

  • ​以联合国为核心的国际体系

    the UN-centered international system
  • ​任何挑战都挡不住中国前进的步伐

    No challenge will hold back China's development.
  • 中国在原则问题上决不让步

    China will not give ground on issues of principle.
  • ​磋商要相向而行、诚信为本

    Consultation involves working toward the same goal in good faith.
  • ​磋商要相互尊重、平等互利

    Consultations should be based on mutual respect, equality, and mutual benefit.
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