
  • 九八抗洪精神

    The spirit of combating the 1998 flood 
  • 女排精神

    The spirit of Chinese women’s volleyball team
  • 铁人精神

    The spirit of the “Iron Man”
  • 红旗渠精神

    The spirit of building the Hongqi Canal
  • “两路”精神

    The hardworking spirit of building the two plateau highways
  • 吕梁精神

    The spirit of persistence in the Luliang Mountains
  • 红岩精神

    The spirit of revolutionary martyrs at Red Crag
  • 沂蒙精神

    The spirit of the Yimeng Old Revolutionary Base Area
  • 西柏坡精神

    The spirit of continuous revolution in Xibaipo
  • 整风精神

    The spirit of the Yan’an Rectification Movement
  • 南泥湾精神

    The spirit of Nanniwan farming for self-reliance
  • 白求恩精神

    The spirit of Norman Bethune
  • 抗大精神

    The spirit of the Military and Political University of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
  • 延安精神

    The spirit of Yan’an
  • ​深刻把握人类发展历史规律

    to have an in-depth understanding of the laws governing human development
  • 太行精神

    The spirit of the Taihang Revolutionary Base Area
  • 抗战精神

    The spirit of the Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
  • 重视历史、研究历史、借鉴历史

    to attach importance to history, earnestly study history, and learn from history
  • 遵义会议精神

    The spirit of the Zunyi Meeting
  • 文化振兴

    cultural revitalization
  • 长征精神

    The spirit of the Long March
  • ​展现真实、立体、全面的中国

    to present a true, multi-dimensional, and panoramic view of China
  • 古田会议精神

    The spirit of the Gutian Meeting
  • ​向世界介绍新时代的中国

    to present China in the new era to the international audience
  • 井冈山精神

    The spirit of the first revolutionary base in the Jinggang Mountains
  • ​世界一流、具有强大综合实力的国际传播机构

    a world-class international communication organization with strong comprehensive strengths
  • ​不断提升国际传播能力和水平

    to improve China's capacity for engaging in international communication
  • 红船精神

    The pioneering spirit of the “Red Boat” in which the CPC held its first meeting
  • ​推动社会主义文艺繁荣发展

    to promote socialist literature and art to flourish
  • 讲好中国故事

    Tell China’s stories
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