
  • 土壤污染防治行动计划

    Action plan on preventing and controlling soil pollution
  • ​建立以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系

    to build a nature reserves system centering on national parks
  • 水污染防治行动计划

    Action plan on preventing and controlling water pollution
  • ​高度重视海洋生态文明建设

    to develop marine eco-civilization 
  • 大气污染防治行动计划

    Action plan on preventing and controlling air pollution
  • ​实现海洋资源有序开发利用

    orderly development and utilization of marine resources
  • 生态农业

  • 绿色科技

    Green science and technology
  • ​加强海洋环境污染防治

    to strengthen prevention and control of marine pollution
  • 绿色金融

    Green finance
  • ​保护海洋生物多样性

    to protect marine biodiversity
  • 绿色供应链管理

    Green supply chain management
  • ​蓝色伙伴关系

    blue partnership
  • 生态城市

  • ​生态环境保护责任制度

    an accountability system for eco-environmental protection 
  • ​国家公园保护制度

    a national park system 
  • ​生态保护和修复制度

    a system for ecological conservation and restoration 
  • 生态经济体系

    Eco-economic system
  • ​垃圾分类和资源化利用制度

    a system for waste sorting and recycling 
  • ​资源高效利用制度

    a system for efficient utilization of resources 
  • 国土空间开发格局

    'Development of China’s geographical space
  • ​生态环境损害赔偿制度

    an eco-indemnity system 
  • 资源节约型环境友好型社会

    A resource-efficient and environment-friendly society
  • ​生态振兴

    ecological revitalization
  • ​山水林田湖草一体化保护和修复

    a holistic approach to protecting and restoring mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands 
  • 永续发展

    Sustainable development
  • ​主体功能区制度

    a functional zoning system
  • 低碳发展

    Low carbon development
  • 循环发展

    Circular development
  • ​节约优先、保护优先、自然恢复为主

    principles of prioritizing resource conservation and environmental protection and promoting self-restoration of natureprinciples of prioritizing resource conservation and environmental protection, and letting nature restore itself
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