
  • 全面提高资源利用效率

    Increasing efficient resource utilization
  • 提升生态系统质量和稳定性

    Enhancing the quality and stability of ecosystems
  • 持续改善环境质量

    Continuing to improve the quality of the environment
  • 加快推动绿色低碳发展

    Expediting green and low-carbon development
  • 生态文明实验区建设

    Construction of an eco-civilization pilot zone
  • 环境保护公众参与

    Public participation in environmental protection
  • 环境信息公开制度

    Environmental information disclosure system
  • 生态环境监管制度

    Ecological environment supervision system
  • 中央环境保护督察制度

    Central inspection system for ecological and environmental protection
  • 污染防治区域联动

    Regional cooperation on pollution prevention and control
  • 环境影响评价制度

    Environmental impact assessment system
  • 环境信用评价制度

    Environmental credit assessment system
  • 统计监测与综合评价

    Statistical monitoring and comprehensive evaluation
  • 以国家公园为主的自然保护地

    Natural reserves with national parks as the main parts
  • 生态补偿制度

    Eco-compensation system
  • 生态系统休养生息制度

    Ecosystem recuperation system
  • 生态文明标准体系

    Standard system of eco-civilization
  • 生态文明体制改革

    Reform of the system for developing an eco-civilization
  • 生态保护红线

    ​Eco-environmental red lines
  • 现代环境治理体系

    Modern environmental governance system
  • 生态环境保护制度

    Ecological and environmental protection system
  • 自然资源资产离任审计

    Natural resource audits when officials leave their posts
  • 自然资源资产负债表

    Natural resource balance sheet 
  • 自然资源有偿使用制度

  • 自然资源用途管制制度

    System of control over natural resource utilization 
  • 自然资源资产产权制度

    The property rights system for natural resources
  • 资源全面节约制度

    Comprehensive resource conservation system
  • 绿色生活方式和绿色消费

    Eco-friendly lifestyle and green consumption
  • 资源环境国情宣传

    National publicity on resources and the environment
  • 生态文化

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