We have underlined that reform is the major driving force of economic growth. Reform is not a mission accomplished, rather it is an ongoing process. We must have the courage to tackle tough issues, break through logjams and venture risky areas to remove institutional barriers to economic development.我们提出,经济工作是党治国理政的中心工作,党中央必须对经济工作负总责、实施全面领导。
We have made it clear that the Central Committee must take overall responsibility and full leadership over economic work as it is the central task in state governance.中华民族迎来了从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃是中国人民奋斗出来的!
The endeavor of the Chinese people has led to a tremendous transformation of the Chinese nation: It has stood up, become better off and grown in strength.人民是我们党执政的最大底气,是我们共和国的坚实根基,是我们强党兴国的根本所在。
The people are our Party's greatest strength in governance. They are the solid base of our republic, and the foundation of a well-built Party and a prosperous nation.我们党来自于人民,为人民而生,因人民而兴,必须始终与人民心心相印、与人民同甘共苦、与人民团结奋斗。
Our Party is from the people, for the people, and successful because of the people. It must always be close to the people, and work vigorously by their side through thick and thin.我们的目标很宏伟,但也很朴素,归根结底就是让全体中国人都过上更好的日子。
We have a grand yet simple goal – a better life for all our people.以前我们要解决“有没有”的问题,现在则要解决“好不好”的问题。
In the past, we worked to provide for people's basic needs; now we are striving to improve their quality of life.热点语汇
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