  • ​亚洲文明对话大会

    Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations
  • ​构建全媒体传播格局

    to build an all-media communication pattern
  • 推动媒体融合发展

    to promote integrated media development
  • ​全媒体传播体系

    all-media communication system
  • ​坚持以明德引领风尚

    to guide social morality with good virtues to guide social conduct with good virtues
  • 坚持以精品奉献人民

    to present top-notch works for the people
  • ​坚持与时代同步伐

    to keep pace with the times
  • ​为时代画像、为时代立传、为时代明德

    to depict our times, record our times, and promote values of our times
  • ​一切成就都归功于人民,一切荣耀都归属于人民

    All achievements are attributed to the people, and all glory belongs to the people.
  • ​深刻把握人类发展历史规律

    to have an in-depth understanding of the laws governing human development
  • 重视历史、研究历史、借鉴历史

    to attach importance to history, earnestly study history, and learn from history
  • 文化振兴

    cultural revitalization
  • ​展现真实、立体、全面的中国

    to present a true, multi-dimensional, and panoramic view of China
  • ​向世界介绍新时代的中国

    to present China in the new era to the international audience
  • ​世界一流、具有强大综合实力的国际传播机构

    a world-class international communication organization with strong comprehensive strengths
  • ​不断提升国际传播能力和水平

    to improve China's capacity for engaging in international communication
  • ​推动社会主义文艺繁荣发展

    to promote socialist literature and art to flourish
  • ​坚定文化自信讲好中国故事

    to build stronger cultural confidence and tell true stories about China
  • ​培育和践行社会主义核心价值观

    to cultivate and promote the socialist core values
  • ​正本清源、守正创新

    to tackle problems at their roots, keep to the right path, and make innovations
  • ​中国特色社会主义文化发展道路

    a path of socialist cultural development with Chinese characteristics
  • ​公共文化服务体系建设

    to improve public cultural services
  • ​中华优秀传统文化传承发展工程

    programs to carry on the best of Chinese cultural traditions and heritage
  • ​举旗帜、聚民心、育新人、兴文化、展形象

    to uphold socialism, rally public support, foster a new generation of people with sound values and ethics, develop Chinese culture, and build a good image of China
  • ​极限施压

    extreme pressure
  • ​第二届中国国际进口博览会

    The Second China International Import Expo
  • ​大兴国际机场"凤凰展翅"

    Daxing International Airport: Phoenix Spreading Its Wings
  • ​干线铁路、城际铁路、市域郊铁路、城市轨道交通"四网融合"

    integration of "the four networks" – trunk railways, intercity railways, suburban railways and urban railways integration of "the four networks" – trunk, intercity, suburban, and urban railways
  • ​世界级城市群

    world-class city cluster
  • ​国际一流湾区

    international first-class bay area
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