  • ​党委领导、政府负责、民主协商、社会协同、公众参与、法治保障、科技支撑的社会治理体系

    a social governance system led by Party committees and implemented by the government, based on consultation, coordination, broad participation and the rule of law, and supported by technologies
  • ​探索以生态优先、绿色发展为导向的高质量发展新路

    to explore a new path of high-quality development giving priority to ecological conservation and green development
  • ​开展项目经费使用"包干制"改革试点

    to launch a pilot scheme of lump-sum project-funding
  • ​发挥科技型民企的创新引领作用

    to give full play to private sci-tech enterprises in innovation
  • ​完善技术市场

    to improve the technology market
  • ​做好系统性科技战略布局

    to make a systematic strategic layout of science and technology
  • ​加强重大创新领域战略研判和前瞻部署

    to strengthen strategic research and forward-looking deployment concerning major innovation
  • ​完善产学研协同创新机制

    to improve the mechanism for collaborative innovation among enterprises, universities and research institutions 
  • ​建设重大创新基地和创新平台

    to build major innovation bases and platforms
  • ​重组国家重点实验室体系

    to restructure the system of key national laboratories
  • ​世界智能大会

    World Intelligence Congress (WIC)
  • ​传感网

    sensor network
  • ​脑科学

    brain science
  • ​推动新一代人工智能健康发展

    to boost healthy development of the new generation of artificial intelligence
  • 人工智能引领的新一轮科技革命和产业变革

    a new round of scientific and technological revolutions and industrial transformations led by artificial intelligence
  • ​科技伦理治理体制

    a regulatory system for ethics in science and technology
  • ​国家战略科技力量

    to build up China's strategic capacity in science and technology
  • ​科技创新引领

    scientific and technological innovation as the driving force
  • ​持续巩固脱贫成果,积极建设美好家园

    to consolidate the progress in poverty alleviation and build a better home  
  • ​走好乡村振兴之路

    to take solid steps in rural vitalization
  • ​发扬滴水穿石精神

    to carry forward the spirit of "constant dripping water wearing away a stone"to work with patience and perseverance
  • ​做好革命老区、中央苏区脱贫奔小康工作

    to help old revolutionary base areas and former central Soviet areas eliminate poverty and achieve moderate prosperity 
  • ​深度贫困地区三区三州

    the most impoverished three regions and three prefectures: The "three regions" are Tibet, the Tibetan ethnic areas of Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai provinces, and the four prefectures in southern Xinjiang (Hotan, Aksu, Kashi and Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture); the "three prefectures" are the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan and Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu.
  • ​把基层减负各项决策落到实处

    to implement policy decisions designed to ease the burdens at the community level
  • ​东西部扶贫协作

    paired-up assistance between the east and the west 
  • 不摘责任、不摘政策、不摘帮扶、不摘监管

    Poverty alleviation duties, policies, assistance, and oversight will continue after poor counties are removed from the poverty list.
  • ​扶贫工作务实、脱贫过程扎实、脱贫结果真实

    to make concrete and solid efforts in poverty alleviation for practical results
  • ​社会保障兜底

    to provide subsistence allowances to the poor to meet their basic needs
  • ​发展教育脱贫

    poverty elimination through education 
  • ​生态补偿脱贫

    to compensate impoverished residents for eco-environmental protection 
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