  • ​易地搬迁脱贫

    relocation of rural poor for poverty alleviation 
  • ​发展生产脱贫

    to eliminate poverty through developing the local economy 
  • ​"五级书记"抓扶贫

    CPC secretaries at five levels are all responsible for poverty alleviation.
  • ​解决区域性整体贫困

    to eliminate regional poverty 
  • ​"四个问题"("扶持谁、谁来扶、怎么扶、如何退")

    four key issues in poverty alleviation – who needs help, who provides help, how to help, and how to be removed from the poverty list
  • ​"扶真贫、真扶贫"

    to help those in need and deliver genuine assistance 
  • ​摘帽不摘政策

    to continue poverty alleviation policy support for counties that have been removed from the poverty list
  • ​深化扶贫领域腐败和作风问题专项治理

    to make greater efforts in the fight against corruption and misconduct in poverty alleviation
  • ​发挥基层党组织带领群众脱贫致富的战斗堡垒作用

    Local Party organizations should play a crucial role in leading the residents out of poverty and toward prosperity.
  • ​对口帮扶,先富帮后富

    paired-up assistance, and those who have become better-off help those still lagging behind 
  • ​建立解决相对贫困的长效机制

    to establish long-term mechanisms for eradicating relative poverty
  • ​努力做新时代的好战士

    to be good soldiers of the new era
  • ​军队建设发展"十三五"规划

    the 13th Five-Year Plan for the development of the military
  • ​强军战略

    the strategy of strengthening the military
  • ​军事政策制度改革

    reform on military policies and institutions
  • ​国防和军队改革

    reform on national defense and the military
  • ​军委主席负责制

    the principle of ultimate responsibility resting with the chairman of the Central Military Commission
  • ​坚持相互尊重,坚持合作共赢、开放包容理念,通过做大合作蛋糕逐渐消弭分歧

    We should adhere to mutual respect, the concept of win-win cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, and gradually eliminate differences by baking a bigger cake of cooperation.
  • ​历史发展、文明繁盛、人类进步,从来离不开思想引领

    The development of history, the prosperity of civilization, and the progress of mankind can never be separated from the guidance of thought.
  • ​我们要坚持创新驱动,打造富有活力的增长模式;坚持协同联动,打造开放共赢的合作模式;坚持公平包容,打造平衡普惠的发展模式

    We should pursue a model of dynamic growth driven by innovation, a model of cooperation featuring coordination and connectivity, open and win-win, and a model of development based on fairness, inclusiveness, balance and benefits for all.
  • ​摒弃冷战思维、零和博弈的旧思维,摒弃弱肉强食的丛林法则,以合作谋和平、以合作促安全,坚持以和平方式解决争端

    We must discard Cold-War and zero-sum mentalities, reject the Law of the Jungle, seek peace and promote safety through cooperation, and insist on settling disputes through peaceful means.
  • ​要坚持正确义利观,以义为先、义利兼顾,构建命运与共的全球伙伴关系

    It is necessary to adhere to the correct concept of justice and interests, put righteousness first, uphold justice while pursuing shared interests, and build a global partnership that shares the common future.
  • ​我们要把互尊互信挺在前头,把对话协商利用起来,坚持求同存异、聚同化异

    We must put mutual respect and mutual trust in the first place, make good use of dialogue and consultation, and seek common ground while shelving and narrowing differences.
  • ​坚持全球事务由各国人民商量着办,积极推进全球治理规则民主化

    Upholding the principle that global affairs should be settled by the people of the world through consultation, and actively advancing the democratization of global governance rules.
  • ​各国应该有以天下为己任的担当精神,积极做行动派、不做观望者

    All countries should regard taking part in world affairs as their own duty and actively take actions rather than being onlookers.
  • ​中德不是竞争者,更不是对手,以合作谋共赢是中德关系发展的主线

    China and Germany are not competitors, let alone rivals. And seeking win-win results through cooperation is the major concern in developing China-Germany relations.
  • ​携手合作、互利共赢才是解决各种全球性问题的唯一正确选择

    Working together for mutual benefit and win-win results is the only correct choice to solve global problems of all kinds.
  • ​既要畅通政府间合作的"主渠道",也要丰富民间交往的"涓涓细流"

    We should not only smooth the "main channel" of inter-governmental cooperation but also enhance the "trickle" of non-governmental exchanges.
  • ​要把中法关系发展好,政治互信是关键,务实合作是必由之路,国民感情是基础

    To make the China-France relations strong, mutual political trust is the key, pragmatic cooperation is the inevitable route, and friendship between the two peoples is the foundation.
  • ​知古可以鉴今,为了更好前行

    By learning from history, we can draw lessons to guide today's actions and move forward to a better future.
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