  • ​今天的"一带一路"成为沿线国家共同描绘的"工笔画"

    Today the Belt and Road Initiative has become a "meticulous painting" jointly done by countries along the routes.
  • ​对一个国家的评价,不能只看面积,也要看文化的影响力和对人类文明发展的推动力

    When we evaluate a country, we should not just look at its size, but we need to consider its cultural impacts and its impetus in advancing human civilization.​
  • ​中国改革开放已经走过40年历程,未来开放的大门将越开越大

    China's reform and opening up have gone through the course of 40 years, and the door of opening up will be even wider in the future.
  • ​我们应该保持定力,不随波逐流,坚持独立自主,坚持相互尊重

    We should remain committed, stay true to our value, and adhere to independence and mutual respect.
  • ​我们对于时间的理解,不是以十年、百年为计,而是以百年、千年为计

    In our understanding, time cannot be measured in ten years or a hundred years, but in hundreds of years or thousands of years.
  • ​中国和意大利分处古丝绸之路两端,开展"一带一路"合作天经地义

    Located at both ends of the ancient Silk Road, it is perfectly natural for China and Italy to advance cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.
  • ​第二届"一带一路"国际合作高峰论坛

    The Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation
  • ​推动"一带一路"创新合作与民心相通

    to promote innovation cooperation and people-to-people ties along the Belt and Road
  • ​独立自主和对外开放相统一

    integration of independence and opening up to the outside world
  • ​历久弥坚金不换

    to remain unshakable and becoming even firmer as time goes by, and being so valuable that we would not exchange it even for gold
  • ​搬不走的好邻居、拆不散的真伙伴

    a good neighbor who won't move away, and a true partner who can't be separated
  • ​深化文明交流互鉴

    to enhance exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations
  • ​世界各国互利合作

    the mutually beneficial cooperation of countries around the world
  • 亚太命运共同体

    the Asia-Pacific community with a shared future
  • ​中拉命运共同体

    the China-LAC (Latin America and the Caribbean) community with a shared future
  • 中非命运共同体

    the China-Africa community with a shared future
  • ​独立自主的和平外交政策

    the independent foreign policy of peace
  • ​金砖国家新工业革命伙伴关系

    the BRICS partnership on new industrial revolution
  • ​金砖+

    BRICS Plus
  • ​推动全球经济治理体系变革

    to push for reform of the global economic governance system
  • ​新科技革命和产业变革方兴未艾

    A burgeoning round of technological revolution and industrial transformation has taken place.
  • 谋求开放创新的发展前景

    to pursue greater development prospects through openness and innovation
  • ​新兴市场国家

    emerging markets
  • ​开放包容、互学互鉴

    to stay open and inclusive and draw on each other's strengths
  • ​展示和传播文明之美

    for the best of Asian civilizations to spread and be better known in the world
  • ​各国合力推进开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的经济全球化

    Countries will work together to promote economic globalization and make it more open, inclusive, balanced, and beneficial to all.
  • 开放融通的亚洲

    an open and better-connected Asia
  • 共同繁荣的亚洲

    common prosperity in Asia
  • ​和平安宁的亚洲

    peace and stability across Asia
  • ​世界多极化、经济全球化、文化多样化、社会信息化

    The world today is moving toward greater multi-polarity, economic globalization, and cultural diversity, and is becoming increasingly information-oriented.
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